Kai Dee Middle School Band
It is Thursday's Morning

The weather looked great and sunny..
We're dress rehearsel at Mahkamah Bintulu

Court's enviroment very beautiful.. Feeling relax
My Junior Member liked it so much yea..
Hahahaha =)
OLY 2012
Joint Opening Of The Legal Year 2012
High Court Of Sabah And Sarawak
"Justice Without Fear And Prejudice"
3 February 2012
Kompleks Mahkamah Bintulu
This was just part of the lawyer orh..
In fact, there were more and more
I think had more than One hundred lawyer which register from Sabah
We were ready for marching to the venue..
The clothes were sponsered by the lawyers..
It was really cool..
I lovin it
Police Escort!!
Indoor Perfomance..
We had played 3 song:
Ibu Pertiwiku
Sabah Tanah Airku
The Best Choir at our School =)
Flag_Raising =)
Ketua Hakim from Kuala Lumpur..
Lawyers declared =)
A lot of TV stations to acess..
Wohoo! Performance was completed =)
The organizers had prepared many delicious food..