Today get up early at 6.00 a.m
After taking shower
Eating my DAD's bought for me's American Breakfast.
Although jus a sausage and a sandwich
But Super delicious wor :P
Originally proposed selling tickets at 10.00 a.m.
But my CUTIE mum said she wan go mall for shopping
Lolx.. waiting waiting..
I'm still waiting xP
11.00 a.m just arrived ==
Then King said must promise
if late should pumping 30 times
Ohhhoo.. Under my begging
She forgive me lu xP
(Actually she just joking)
Whole morning just sell 4 ticket (FAKE 1)
She ask me explain to my mum like tis d xP
Then go shopping
Try find PATRICK STAR as my DEAR's birthday present
But didn't have found it. Haix
Bk home at 2.00 p.m
After finish bathing ady 3.00 p.m
Lazy to prepare my lunch
so jus lie on my bed..
And memories the day at Grandfa there
Damn MISS them :(
Sudden found my model pic xDD
Sharing wit u all :P
(Click the PIC if u wanna have a big view xP)

- Wit my DEAR Cousin and sister -

- My leg damn crude -

- Wat I'm looking? xP

- Me and my CUTIE mum xP -