Start from today cant slep till noon le :(
Can borrow the time machine from D0REM0N
Then turn back the time?
Forget it and Stop dreaming
Tis mor hv skul tuition
We KHB period for two hours..
Actually I jus daze there
Wasting my life XD
A lot of Tool's name and function must regard
I really hate tis subject.
Then we hv another subject> MM for 1 hours
Although my MM damn poor
But i very interested in tis subject
Lol. Teacher said our class get well mark in exam
Many people get 90% +
so envy them :)
I din hv tis talent XD
Tis noon BAND Pratice agn.
Pratice concert song + chorale
Haha.. Finally I can regard my solo le
"Everything I Do‘
Damn love tis song.
So romantic ❤
Then play "Cha cha Flamenco"
The notes are so random..
Hard to see clearly
Fortunately I'm is 2nd alto sax XD
Teach Penny play alto sax lu.
She's genius.
Jus learn kira 5-10 min
Then can play concert B flat scale
One word: PR0.

- Lolx my sax look like tenor more XD -

- King play drum set -

- 0ur trumpeter and Yih Jun-