

For this 1st term examination
I have to work more hard
I would never lose to you
My physical damn POOR xP
BUT I'm sure language subject mark will beyond your
(I'm have no sense of SHAME)
Although for me
A little STRESS
BUT the STRESS is equal to the driving force behind :)
Friend must support me always ya
G0D..please BLESS me bha

Next week.. TEACHERS DAY
0ur BAND have selected some members to perform
The song titles: "Uptown girl" and "Everything I Do"
I was one of the perfomer
Giv a clap for me..
I'm damn nervous and excited for coming monday
(Although I'm not the 1st time show)

Actually we broke the class fee
So this year
We tried the fresh stuff ---> FRUIT FEAST
I'm going to sponser mango pudding
I donno whether can eat or not
But pls dont VOMIT ya xD
Please join in a lot ya..